
+385 (0) 91 796-8159

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Hrvoje Hiršl (1982) je hrvatski konceptualni umjetnik koji kontinuirano istražuje i portretira odnos između prirodnog i tehnološkog svijeta, prikazujući ih kao dva prividna polariteta koja su u stvarnosti neodvojivi segmenti našeg postojanja. Njegovi radovi otkrivaju skrivene složenosti, čineći strukture i principe ovih sustava vidljivima i opipljivima, istovremeno testirajući granice ljudskog iskustva. Pritom koristi različite medije, kao što su robotska imerzivna okruženja, kvantna optika, zvučne instalacije, slike, crteže i tekstove.

Prošlogodišnji je dobitnik ARTeCHÓ (Art, Economy & Technology) stipendije za projekt istraživanja kvantnih tehnologija. Godine 2012. nominiran je za nagradu Radoslav Putar za najboljeg hrvatskog umjetnika do 35 godina. Dobitnik je stipendija HDLU AIR 2023 (Leipzig), Crossing Parallels 2021 (Delft), Bildraum Studio 2021 (Beč), DordtYart Artists in Residence 2015 (Dordrecht), TRIBE Residency 2013 (Istanbul, Prag i Ljubljana) te Kulturkontakt Artists in Residence 2012 (Beč). Također je sudjelovao na izložbi Documenta (13) u Kasselu 2012. godine kao dio programa AND AND AND. Jedan je od hrvatskih predstavnika na Bijenalu dizajna u Londonu 2016. Ima bogatu međunarodnu izložbenu karijeru s brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izložbama.

Hrvoje Hiršl (1982) is a Croatian conceptual artist who continuously explores and portrays the relationship between the natural and technological worlds, depicting them as two apparent polarities that are, in reality, inseparable segments of our existence. His works reveal hidden complexities, making the structures and principles of these systems visible and tangible while simultaneously testing the boundaries of human experience. He employs various media, such as robotic immersive environments, quantum optics, sound installations, paintings, drawings, and texts.

He was last year’s recipient of the ARTeCHÓ (Art, Economy & Technology) fellowship for his project on quantum technologies. In 2012, he was nominated for the Radoslav Putar Award for the best Croatian artist under 35. He has received several fellowships, including HDLU AIR 2023 (Leipzig), Crossing Parallels 2021 (Delft), Bildraum Studio 2021 (Vienna), DordtYart Artists in Residence 2015 (Dordrecht), TRIBE Residency 2013 (Istanbul, Prague, and Ljubljana), and Kulturkontakt Artists in Residence 2012 (Vienna). He also participated in the Documenta (13) exhibition in Kassel in 2012 as part of the AND AND AND program. He was one of the Croatian representatives at the Design Biennale in London in 2016. Hiršl has a rich international exhibition career with numerous solo and group exhibitions.


Donau-Universität Krems, Austria

Design of Visual Communication
Art Academy, University of Split, Croatia


2023 | ARTeCHÓ – Art, Economy & Technology fellowship, MEET (IT), Baltan Laboratories (NL), Fundacion ZCC (ESP), The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (DE), SERN (BE)
2023 | HDLU AIR, Hafenkombinat, Leipzig, Germany
2021 | Crossing Parallels artist in residence, Delft, Netherlands
2021 | Bildraum Studio residency, Vienna, Austria
2019  | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
2016 | London Design Biennale - National pavilion, London, UK
2015 | DordtYart artist in residence, Dordrecht, Netherlands
2015 | STEP Beyond Travel Grant, European Cultural Foundation
2013 | T.R.I.B.E. Residency 2013 (MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art, Ljubljana; CIANT, Prague; BIS, Istanbul; ARTos Foundation, Nicosia)
2012 | Artist in Residence Program, KulturKontakt Austria, Vienna
2012 | Radoslav Putar Award - Finalist
2010 | Magdalena, 12th International Festival of Creative Communication - Finalist
2009 | Adobe Design Achievement Awards - Semifinalist


2024 | The Limit of Representation, MKC Gallery, Split, Croatia
2024 | Exceptional point, Korčula Town Museum, Croatia
2024 | The Limit of Representation, Novo Gallery, Pula, Croatia
2022 | Imprints of Sound, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia
2022 | Exceptional point, Atelijeri Žitnjak, Zagreb, Croatia
2021 | The Limit of Representation, HDLU Osijek, Croatia
2021 | The Collapse, Temple of Augustus, Pula, Croatia
2021 | The Limit of Representation, Bildraum studio, Vienna, Austria
2021 | The Limit of Representation, WHW, Nova Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2019 | Spheres (Euclidian space), 70. Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Croatia
2018 | Strings - Music Showroom SC, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2016 | Rezonance - Siva zona, Crkva Sv. Petra, Korčula, Croatia
2015 | Binary impressions - 0/1 - Polytechnic Museum, Moscow, Russia 2014 | Magnetophone - MoTA Point, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2012 | Take your Trans Adriatic Alviani Trip | Le Temps Détruit Tout - Alviani ArtSpace, Aurum, Pescara, Italy
2012 | Reversible (Le temps detruit tout) - Art Gallery Siva Zona / Gray Area, space of contemporary and media art in Korčula, Croatia
2012 | Artists in Residence Programme - Galerie ArtPoint, Vienna, Austria
2011 | Sirenes (music of the spheres) - Mochvara Gallery, KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis, Zagreb, Croatia
2011 | Colors of noise - Picture of sound, 3. program Croatian radio, Zagreb, Croatia
2010 | 0.10 (Symphony for 21 loudspeakers and 4 DVD players) - Galerija VN in Zagreb, Croatia


2018 | Transient hole VIII (Variations)
Co-curator Alexander Felch, Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic (G-MK), Zagreb, Croatia

2017 | Digital Romance
Media Mediterranea Festival, Pula, Croatia


2024 | Nesvrstani, LAUBA, Zagreb
2024 | Futuros Descentralizados, ETOPIA Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza, Spain
2024 | Digitalni Oxymoron, MKC Gallery, Split, Croatia
2023 | Digital Oxymoron, GT22, Maribor, Slovenia
2023 | On the Threshold of the Invisible, The Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Serbia
2022 | Dimensions Variable, Spielplatz Roter Berg, Vienna
2021 | Glowing Globe, Artificial Art Alienated, Galerija Kortil, Rijeka
2019 | Media Mediterranea festival, Metamedija, Pula
2019 | Truth That Lies, IMPAKT, Utrecht
2018 | Transient Hole (Variations) X, Furtherfield Gallery, London
2018 | Transient Hole (Variations) VIII, GMK Gallery, Zagreb
2018 | Transient Hole (Variations) VII, Zentrale, Wien
2018 | Transient Hole (Variations) V, Spektrum, Berlin
2018 | Transient Hole (Variations) IV, FP24 Collaborative Art Space, Antwerp
2018 | Sounding DIY, Multimedijalni kulturni centar, Split
2017 | Festival S.U.T.R.A., Museum of Science and Technology, Beograd
2017 | Utopian Collective, HDD gallery, Zagreb
2017 | Sounding D.i.Y., Chalton Gallery, London, UK
2016 | The Day My Internet Art Paid Off!, Galerija Galženica, Velika gorica
2016 | London Design Biennale, London, UK
2016 | MusicShowroom, Studentski centar, Zagreb
2015 | Heroic Exhaustion - Galerija Nova, Zagreb
2015 | Kiblix festival, Kibla, Maribor, Slovenia
2015 | DordtYart, Dordrecht, Netherlands
2015 | Device_art 5.015, Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia
2015 | Electropia, Moë, Vienna, Austria
2014 | Culture fair festival, Culture of change, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 | SUTRA/TOMORROW art & science festival, Belgrade, Serbia
2014 | Touch me festival: It's about time!, Kontejner, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 | HDD1314 - the biennial exhibition of Croatian Design, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 | Kunstradio – Radiokunst - ORF, Österreich 1, Austria
2013 | Sonica – Festival of Transitory Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2013 | Art pavilion in Zagreb - collaboration on a dance peace, Croatia
2013 | Amber '13 Art and Technology Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 | XVIa Biennale D’Arte Contemporanea di Penne, Italy
2013 | Donau festival, Krems, Austria
2013 | T-HT award 2013 - Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2013 | Picture of sound 2 - Pogon, Zagreb, Croatia
2012 | DEVICE ART 4.012 - Zagreb, Croatia
2012 | ANTUN MOTIKA: Eksperiments - From Futuropolis to Music of light - Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2012 | dOCUMENTA (13) - Participating in the program AND AND AND, Kassel, Germany
2012 | Trans Adriatic Grey Area - (Curated by Darko Fritz) / grey) (area for Lampo Net & Contemporary art Exhibition, D'Annunzio Room, Aurum, Pescara, Italy
2012 | Radoslav Putar Award 2012 - Galženica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia
2012 | T-HT award 2012 - Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2011 | Sine linea-experimental + Picture of Sound, Dance Centre, Zagreb, Croatia
2011 | Picture of sound (2011) - VIZURA APERTA, Momiano, Croatia
2010 | HDD0910 the biennial exhibition of Croatian Design, Zagreb
2010 | Magdalena 12th International Festival of Creative Communication, Maribor, Slovenia
2008 | HDD 0708 the biennial exhibition of Croatian Design, Zagreb
2007 | DVK 97-07 Split, Croatia
2006 | Magdalena 8th International Festival of Creative Communication, Maribor, Slovenia