How important is the interaction between the visitor and the medium in your work Euclidian space?
The audience is an intricate part of the system of Euclidian space and the work realizes itself inside of this interaction. The system of spheres displays complex behaviour in interaction with the visitors and the properties of emergence.Emergence is a process in which system displays properties that are bigger than the sum of its parts. Diverse range of reactions and emotions that the visitors experience and behaviours they project on one another define the final outcome of the work. Depending on the location of the exhibition every showing of the work had different reactions, from meditative, euphoric to analytic.
Is Euclidian space your personal imagination of space?
The work Euclidian space has different layers, one of it is this xyz determinism manifested in space-time restraints of the reality we exist in. My representation of space is chaotic, absurd, playful and humoristic. It also deals with the Art world as a space and in a sense it is a critique of it. It reflects on Contemporary art and Media art world and their focus on the attractiveness, scale and interactivity. According to my observations these are the elements of a successful artwork in todays Art world. I used these guidelines in the construction of the Euclidian space. It is colorful, playful, big, and noisy, it interacts with the audience and it can’t be ignored. Ironically this is also my most exhibited artwork!
What fascinates you about prints/ the process of printing?
There are a couple of things that fascinate me and motivate me in Prints. From one perspective, I try to analyse what a print really is and the nature of the print medium. Through this work I tried to analyse what the physicality of the print is, or the preservation of the information on some surface. Essentially, there is no fundamental difference between the copper print, a vinyl record, a dvd or magnetic tape or any digital medium, they are all based on shifting particles and their states on some surface. Prints is a series of works which use different aleatoric printing techniques, as a source for its study of the printing medium. It deals with the idea that prints are by their nature recordings of different information on a particular surface.
The other subject that I study in Prints, which is very much embedded in my art practice as a whole, is setting up the parameters, the concept of the work, and letting it develop inside of this constraints, basically, to create a system. The goal of the work Prints is to produce prints with a high physical presence without concrete physical interaction, eliminating gestures, composition, and human impact. By setting up the parameters of the work, and letting it determine the formal presence of the work, its looks and final result, I separate myself from the creative process of image making and abstract it to the level of pure concept, having the characteristics of expressive print as a mere technological outcome.
The final conclusion of that process is that each print is a memory, a recording of some force, some event preserved on the surface. Particles that at one moment are static, at the next moment take on the form of some event that is preserved in their shape. Stimulated by particular force, they move, creating patterns, shapes and textures.
What are similarities/contradictions of your print work compared to Richard Serra?
There is a particular level of performativity present in the printing process of Prints that is reminiscent of Richard Serra’s performative actions of throwing melted lead in the corners of the room, from 1968, entitled Splashing. The similarities don’t stop on the performativity of the printing process but also extend on the final result in the form of the raw texture of the printed surface. The burned laser toner on the surface of Prints has similarities with the melted lead surfaces of Serra’s Splashing. Unlike Serra’s work, in which raw industrial materials and processes are used, Prints use common goods and office supplies as materials for their realization.
The masculinity and expressiveness of Serra’s work is substituted by restraint and the separation from the expressive process of image making by building an aleatoric system in which the artist is “just” executer but not a direct creator.
What means sound to you?
In my work sound doesn’t have a single purpose and it represents different things: it can be a byproduct of the system (Euclidian space), a force to influence the space (Resonace) or particles (Prints), it represents the immaterial aspects of the work (Sirens) and in general it serves as an amplifier of the experience and the visual aspects of the work. In motion pictures it is said that the sound is even more important than the image, it can influence your psychological states and induce emotions, or it can be physical and tactile, and in that sense it can literally touch you.
Life without sound? Do you believe in life beyond our planet?
Sound is partially neglected in our predominantly visual culture. Different species use different senses in different ways, the dolphins and bats use echolocation as natural sonars, and they construct images based on the sound. What is for us just a secondary sense, for them is primary and they use it similarly as we use vision, just better. It is known that in the absence of certain senses other senses become dominant.
In the vastness of the universe it is not very probable that our planet is the only one inhabited with life. The definition of life is still very anthropocentric. Probably over the course of the next decades that will change and many things that we now don’t consider living will be considered such. Like many previous paradigm shifts from geocentrism to heliocentrism, to the fact that our planet is just one of the innumerable galaxies with even more planets in those galaxies and if the multiverse theory will be proven, that would mean that even our universe is not unique but just one of innumerable universes. Probably most of these universes are not inhabitable, but still it will further change our perceived position in this reality. NASA recently, in one of their press conferences, said that they expect to find some form of extraterrestrial life in next decades…